A Simple System

for Living a Better Life in Connection with Others

Hello and welcome! I’m Jane Finch and I’ve been a clinical social worker in private practice for over 25 years. Throughout this time I’ve had the pleasure of seeing people positively affected by joining together in groups and developing safe spaces to explore feelings, heal past wounds, and move toward growth and wholeness.

In recent years I’ve grown more concerned about the environment and the potentially devastating impacts of climate disruption on our way of life. There are so many amenities that we take for granted and completely rely upon every day: grocery stores overfull of food, hot water to shower with, gas to power our cars and our heaters, electricity to cook and cool off with. What if such basics were suddenly unavailable for longer than a typical storm outage? Would you be ready to practically and/or psychologically handle a societal breakdown on a major scale?

Participants in SIMPLE should already be aware and mostly accepting of the high probability that life as we know it is going to change dramatically in the next few decades. The science is there, yet global political and economic engines are only driving us faster toward a brick wall. It is up to us as individuals and small communities to do what we can to soften the blow and conscientiously live the best we can in the now.

This SIMPLE system is meant to provide a framework for learning and practicing fundamental strategies for achieving better control over one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It emphasizes personal responsibility and choice and pivots on the development of honest connections with others who are similarly striving to build more satisfying lives in the face of an uncertain future, offering an antidote to the growing problems of social anxiety, loneliness, and isolation.

Would you like to know more and maybe join such a group for at least 8 sessions and then see where that leads? Click on the Introduction link and read on!

A Simple System is an information-sharing and connection platform which seeks to provide opportunities for people to find each other and form connections.  Any and all information, recommendations, comments, posts, text, graphics, photographs, videos, data, and other materials (collectively, “Content“) belongs to its creator, Jane Blansfield Finch, and is available through her website (ASimpleSystem.com) (the “Website”).  The content, communications, and related activities (the “Services”) provided or made available through or by way of the Website are provided for general educational, informational, and facilitation purposes only. The Content on the Website, including any health or medical information, does not and is not meant to be a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical professional (like a qualified doctor/physician, therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, or other healthcare provider), and should not be used to diagnose or treat any kind of disease, illness or symptom. Jane Finch cannot take any responsibility for the results or consequences of any attempt to use or adopt any of the Content on our Website. You should not interpret anything on our Website or in our Content or Services as an attempt to offer or render a medical or healthcare opinion or otherwise engage in the practice of medicine or therapy.